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Thank you for your support of the annual Lytle Scholarship Concert at UC San Diego! Funds from your attendance help make college a reality for many first-generation college students—truly an investment beyond calculation. 

You support has helped make college a reality of students like Jasmine Varela Mares, a first-generation college student from a low-income background who hopes to make an impact in the public health industry.  Your scholarship gifts have allowed Jasmine and many other outstanding undergraduates to focus more on their studies and discover their passion—instead of worrying about how to pay for college.  

This year’s benefit concert will take April 19.  Register here <link to registration page>.  If you are unable to attend, you still make an impact with a gift to the Lytle Scholarship.  You touch a life. They touch the world.


Sunday, April 19, 2015
3:00 P.M. – 5:00 P.M.
UC San Diego Conrad Prebys Concert Hall


Lytle Scholarship Concert

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